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Valentine's Day Chocolate Heart Box

Valentine's Day Chocolate Heart Box

Valentine's Day is less than a month away and I'm really getting back into the swing of things. I want to post more often here. Besides my Instagram, this is the best place to really share my ideas and stories with you all! Honestly, I've been trying to figure out where I'm going with The Creative Heart Studio for some time now and finally think I'm on the right track. I don't want to think so critically about what I'm putting out there. I want to just PUT IT OUT THERE!! I love sharing my ideas and have notebooks full of them that I think would help you all in some way or another. So I promise to start posting more regularly on here and not stress the "right content" so much.

So, I FINALLY did a YouTube video tutorial!!! (Cue the Confetti) woohoo!! I cannot tell you how many requests I get to do video tutorials of all my balloon creations. I keep wanting to make sure I have the right lighting, setup, editing skills, etc. but I'm throwing that expectation out the window and just getting it out there for you all to see. It's not perfect, but it will give you a much better idea at how to make the Heart Shaped Chocolate Box I shared earlier this week on Instagram

This box can be used in so many ways for Valentine's Day! I'm sharing some of the ideas on the YouTube video, so make sure to check it out. 

Below you'll find all you need for this Heart Shaped Chocolate Box:


Heart Shaped Digital Balloon Mosaic Template

2-40x60" Foamboards

13-15 11" Mocha Balloons

12x18" sheets of craft foam

30- 8.5x11" Sheets of cardstock (for the chocolate wrappers)

Balloon Pump

Xacto Knife 


Metal Ruler

Cutting Mat

Hot Glue Gun (Low Temp for balloons)


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Cam - February 11, 2025

This is beautiful! You are so creative!
Did you choose to use paint or spray paint for your heart box?

Jennifer - February 11, 2025

Hello love,
I’m trying to find the heart template however when i click on the link provided in the list of things needed for this project it takes me to page not found??! PLEASE PLEASE HELP as im trying to make one or more of these amazing boxes for my children for Valentine’s day. Love and hope to hear back from you as soon as possible PLEASE.
Keep up the great work and love the YouTube video! I also subbed to your channel i hope you keep up with it as you are super talented!
- Jennifer

ELSA - January 8, 2020

Awesome just amazing love it

Heather - January 6, 2020

For anyone wondering where to buy foam core, I found that size at Office Depot.

Jocelyn Lockette - January 6, 2020

Where can I purchase the form board 40x 60?

Rebeca Peña - September 27, 2019

I’d like to know the size. Not the templete’s size, but the figures’ size.

Latoya le blanc - January 18, 2019

Hi where do I purchase the 40×60 foam boards?

Amber Scott - January 18, 2019

I too stress in my creative business about what and what-not to put out in the world. Is it perfect in every way? Could I do better? Etc.? My 2019 business goal is to not think too much about it. Some content is better than no content. Staying relevant and on peoples minds will help us to be successful! Kudos on your YouTube tutorial. It was very well put together and very very helpful!!! Keep on sharing what’s in your notebooks, you have a gift.

Amber Scott - January 18, 2019

I too stress in my creative business about what and what-not to put out in the world. Is it perfect in every way? Could I do better? Etc.? My 2019 business goal is to not think too much about it. Some content is better than no content. Staying relevant and on peoples minds will help us to be successful! Kudos on your YouTube tutorial. It was very well put together and very very helpful!!! Keep on sharing what’s in your notebooks, you have a gift.

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