Seahorse BALLOON MOSAIC digital design template
This product is a DIGITAL FILE of a BALLOON MOSAIC® design template. This is NOT A PHYSICAL PRODUCT.
The file contains:
1. Printable Instructions to construct the BALLOON MOSAIC® design
2. Template sized and ready to print. Sized to approx. 48"x21". This template will need to be printed by a large scale printer. Usually at an office supply store or professional printer.
3. 8.5x11" Puzzled File you can print from a regular printer and then piece together to create the sized template. This is perfect if you can't access an over sized printer. It also saves Money!
Please note: This file is to be used as a template to trace onto your foamboard. You will need foamboard, glue gun, gluedots, balloons, and other materials to build the BALLOON MOSAIC®.
Downloadable link will be sent directly to your email, immediately following your purchase. Please make sure you download onto a computer. Link expires 30 days after purchase.
APPROXIMATE Quantities of Balloons:
Body: (70) 5” Balloons
Belly: (5) 260q Balloons
Fin: (5) 260q balloons, (4) 160q balloons